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  • Sardonyx

Time Vs. You

Time is relative.

It moves apathetically and is unencumbered by metaphysical or physical barriers. It holds no mercy for those who wish for it to stall or wait. It is not absolute nor independent. One simply must move with it and adapt. It is a constant battle to stay on par and stay in the ring.

That said, Time will reveal what someone needs at precise moments. Never by accident.

It is inevitable…

The portals don’t appear to just anyone. They give their power to those who feel trapped. Those caught in a monotonous loop. Who wish to break out and escape it, desperately. However, most of the time they don’t appear at convenient moments. When least expected a portal will whisk one away to a place where they are given the chance to break the loop. Where Time will challenge and judge as to whether a worthy opponent has appeared.

If the challenge is failed… The portals will return the chosen to their loop. Back to their monotony. Never to be challenged again. A dream-like moment...

If the chosen proves worthy… For Time does not lose. Time is never the defeated. The chosen will attain the power to move between realms. Breaking their routine and allowing them to reach out and grab what they desire most.



Once the chosen is judged the battle never stops. Time will continue to challenge. To judge and critique.

For the portals are not eternal. It is up to the chosen to learn how to control and grow as a dimensional traveler. It is not up to the Portals to hand you a key to growth, but you can be assured that Time will rip that key away from you if given the chance. Always more than satisfied to keep you in the loop known as ‘monotony’.





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